Warning: Bocadillo is now UNMAINTAINED. Users are recommended to migrate to a supported alternative, such as Starlette or FastAPI. Please see #344 for more information.


Bocadillo passes the request and the response objects to each HTTP view. This means that the idiomatic way of sending a response is to mutate the res object directly. To learn more about this design decision, see the FAQ.

Sending content

Bocadillo has built-in support for common types of responses:

res.json = {"title": "My awesome post"}  # application/json
res.text = "My awesome post"  # text/plain
res.html = "<h1>My awesome post</h1>"  # text/html

Setting one of the above attributes automatically sets the appropriate Content-Type header (as shown in comments above).

If you need to send another content type, use .content and set the Content-Type header yourself:

res.content = "h1 { color; gold; }"
res.headers["content-type"] = "text/css"

Status codes

You can set the HTTP status code of the response using res.status_code:


from bocadillo import App

app = App()

class Jobs:
    async def post(self, req, res):
        res.status_code = 201

Bocadillo does not provide an enum of HTTP status codes. If you prefer to use one, you can use Starlette's status module:

from starlette import status
res.status_code = status.HTTP_201_CREATED


You can access and modify the headers of a response using res.headers. It is a standard (but case-insensitive) Python dictionary object:

res.headers["cache-control"] = "no-cache"


Similar to request streaming, response content can be streamed to prevent loading the full (and potentially large) response body into memory. An example use case may be streaming the results of a massive database query over the wire.

A stream response can be defined by decorating a no-argument asynchronous generator function with @res.stream. The generator returned by that function will be used to compose the full response. It should only yield strings or bytes.

For example:

import asyncio

async def get_numers(k: int):
    for num in range(k):
        yield num
        # This sleep can represent a db query
        # or network call.
        await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

async def number_range(req, res, n: int):
    async def large_response():
        async for num in get_numbers(n):
            yield str(num)

A stream response is not chunk-encoded by default, which means that clients will still receive the response in one piece. To send the response in chunks, see Chunked responses.

If the client disconnects and we yield another chunk, then the stream is stopped and no further action is taken.

If you need to react to client disconnections (e.g. to perform extra cleanup), you can pass raise_on_disconnect=True to @res.stream and handle the ClientDisconnect exception:

from bocadillo import ClientDisconnect


async def number_range(req, res, n: int):
    async def large_response():
            async for num in get_numbers(n):
                yield str(num)
        except ClientDisconnect:
            print("Cleaning up numbers…")

Chunked responses

The HTTP/1.1 Transfer-Encoding header allows to send an HTTP response in chunks.

This is useful to send large responses, or when the response's total size cannot be known until processing is finished. Plus, it allows the client to process the results as soon as possible.

This is typically combined with response streaming.

res.chunked = True
# equivalent to:
res.headers["transfer-encoding"] = "chunked"


If you want to tell the client's browser that the response should be downloaded to a file, set res.attachment and the Content-Disposition header will be set for you.

async def send_hello(req, res):
    res.text = "Hi, there!"
    res.attachment = "hello.txt"


res.attachment does not read any files — see File responses for this purpose.

All it does is set the Content-Disposition header, e.g. attachment; filename='hello.txt' for the example above.

File responses


This feature requires that you install Bocadillo with the files extra, e.g.

pip install bocadillo[files]

Sometimes, the response should be populated from a file that is not a static file. For example, it may have been generated or uploaded to the server.

This can be done with res.file(), a performant helper that will read and send a file asynchronously in small chunks.

As an example, let's create a sample CSV file containing random data:

import csv
from random import random

data = [{"id": i, "value": random()} for i in range(100)]

with open("random.csv", "w") as f:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=["id", "value"])
    for item in data:

Here's how we could populate the response with random.csv:

async def send_csv(req, res):

Most of the time, files sent like this are meant to be downloaded. For this reason, res.file() sends the file as an attachment by default.

To disable this, pass attach=False:

async def send_csv(req, res):
    # The file will be sent "inline", i.e. displayed in the browser
    # instead of triggering a download.
    res.file("random.csv", attach=False)