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Bocadillo has built-in helpers for working with Jinja2 templates. They give you all the niceties of the Jinja2 template engine: a familiar templating language, automatic escaping, template inheritance, etc.

How templates work

To begin with, templates (when loaded from the file system) are just regular files. For example, when writing HTML templates, the regular .html extension is used as for any other HTML file.

Note that a template does not have to be an HTML file. Any text file will do: .txt, .md, .rst, etc.

The only difference with regular text-based formats is that templates use a templating language with a set of specific tags and keywords that allow to perform programmatic manipulations. These are performed on context variables that are passed to the template when it is rendered.

Writing templates

Bocadillo templates are powered by Jinja2 and, as such, you can use the full power of Jinja2 to write beautiful templates.

Here's an example HTML template:

<!-- index.html -->
    <title>{{ title }}</title>
    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
    <p>Templates are great, aren't they?</p>

Here, you can see an interpolation (title in double brackets). Upon rendering, it is replaced by the actual value of a context variable called title that should be passed to the rendering function (see next section).

You may find Jinja2's Template Designer Documentation handy as a thorough description of the Jinja2 templating language.

Rendering templates

You can render templates using the Templates helper. A typical use case is to create and send HTML content in HTTP views.

  1. Create an instance of Templates:
from bocadillo import App, Templates

app = App()
templates = Templates()
  1. Render a template using templates.render(). You can pass context variables as keyword arguments:
async def home(req, res):
    res.html = await templates.render("index.html", title="Hello, Bocadillo!")


  • Context variables can also be given as a dictionary:
await templates.render("index.html", {"title": "Hello, Bocadillo!"})
  • You can render a template directly from a string:
templates.render_string("<h1>{{ title }}</h1>", title="Hello, Bocadillo!")
# Outputs: "<h1>Hello, Bocadillo!</h1>"

How templates are discovered

By default, Bocadillo looks for templates in the templates folder relative to the current working directory (which may be different from the directory where app.py is located).

If you generated your project using Bocadillo CLI, this means you should place templates in the project root directory:

├── myproject
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── app.py
│   ├── asgi.py
│   └── settings.py
└── templates
    └── index.html

Changing the templates location

You can change the templates directory using the directory argument to Templates. It supports paths given as strings and pathlib.Path objects.

For example, to load templates in the templates directory relative to where the app.py file is, edit app.py with the following:

# project/app.py
from pathlib import Path
from bocadillo import App, Templates

app = App()
templates = Templates(directory=Path(__file__).parent / "templates")