Warning: Bocadillo is now UNMAINTAINED. Users are recommended to migrate to a supported alternative, such as Starlette or FastAPI. Please see #344 for more information.

SQL databases with orm

The orm ilbrary is a Python asynchronous ORM. We've discussed what ORMs are in the Databases guide. This page will show you how to integrate it in a Bocadillo project in order to retrieve, validate and insert data into an SQL database.

We'll be working on a blog project generated with the Bocadillo CLI.


  1. Install orm. It's still a young project, so make sure to pin your dependencies to avoid breaking changes!
pip install "orm>=0.1,<0.2"
  1. Configure the database URL in the settings module:
# blog/settings.py
from starlette.config import Config
from starlette.datastructures import URL

config = Config(".env")

  1. In a models.py module, configure the database and declare a Post model to represent blog posts:
# blog/models.py
import os

# All these come installed with `orm`.
import databases
import orm
import sqlalchemy

from . import settings

database = databases.Database(str(settings.DATABASE_URL))
metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()

class Post(orm.Model):
    __tablename__ = "posts"
    __database__ = database
    __metadata__ = metadata

    id = orm.Integer(primary_key=True)
    title = orm.String(max_length=300)
    content = orm.Text(allow_blank=True)

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(str(settings.DATABASE_URL))
  1. Provide a database connection:
# blog/providerconf.py
from bocadillo import provider
from .models import database

async def db():
    async with database:
        yield database

Making queries

Once we've done the above, we can import the Post model in order to make queries to the database.

For example, let's add a route GET /posts to return the list of all blog posts:

# blog/app.py
from bocadillo import App, discover_providers
from .models import Post

app = App()

class PostsList:
    async def get(self, req, res):
        res.json = [dict(post) for post in await Post.objects.all()]

To learn more about making queries with orm, you can read the orm documentation.

Data validation

orm models are TypeSystem schemas themselves, which means we get data validation for free!

More specifically, data passed to .create() and .update() is validated against the model's fields, and calling these methods may raise a typesystem.ValidationError exception.

Thanks to JSON validation, Bocadillo is able to catch and process this exception in order to return an appropriate error response.

This eliminates boilerplate and allows you to write clean REST API endpoints. ✨

As an example, let's extend the /posts endpoint to allow users to create a blog post:

# blog/app.py
from bocadillo import App, discover_providers
from .models import Post

app = App()

class PostsList:
    async def get(self, req, res):
        res.json = [dict(post) for post in await Post.objects.all()]

    async def post(self, req, res):
        post = await Post.objects.create(**await req.json())
        res.json = dict(post)

Since we call Post.objects.create() in .post(), the input JSON is validated against the Post model's data schema, and Bocadillo will return a 400 Bad Request error response if it is invalid.