Warning: Bocadillo is now UNMAINTAINED. Users are recommended to migrate to a supported alternative, such as Starlette or FastAPI. Please see #344 for more information.


Real-world web applications typically consist of many routes. Putting them all in a single app.py file can quickly be hard to maintain.

Routers allow you to group related routes into dedicated files, resulting in more decoupled and maintainable code.

Routers by example

Suppose we are building a REST API which deals with two resources: users and todo items.

Instead of placing all the routes in app.py, let's keep things organized and create a router for each resource. We'll then be able to register all the routes onto the main application.

For example, let's start with the users router:

# myproject/routers/users.py
from bocadillo import Router

router = Router()

async def list_users(req, res):

async def retrieve_user(req, res, pk: int):

We can use app.include_router() to add all the routes from this router in app.py:



# myproject/app.py
from bocadillo import App
from .routers import users

app = App()

Here's the todos router:

# myproject/routers/todos.py
from bocadillo import Router

router = Router()

async def list_todos(req, res):

async def retrieve_todo(req, res, pk: int):

Routers also support WebSocket routes, so let's add one for the sake of example:

async def synchronize_shared_todos(ws):

Notice how we didn't repeat /todos in the URL pattern here? We can actually define it just once by passing a prefix to app.include_router():



# myproject/app.py
from bocadillo import App
from .routers import users, todos

app = App()
app.include_router(todos.router, prefix="/todos")

To wrap this up, here is the final file structure:

└── myproject
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── app.py
    ├── asgi.py
    ├── routers
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   ├── todos.py
    │   └── users.py
    └── settings.py